Workshop On Advance Molecular Docking

Students will be trained on the techniques used for carrying out the projects through hands-on exercises and assignments. Students will acquire knowledge and computational skills to increase their research productivity.

4 Days WorkshopAdvance Molecular Docking
 Topics·        Basic protein structure and docking will be introduced.
·        The Pdb databank will be discussed as a database.
·        In-silico generation of ligands, including 2D and 3D structures, will be covered.
·        The conversion of .mol files to .pdb files will be demonstrated.
·        The RED server will be utilized for RESP charge calculation.
·        Docking parameters for metal ligands/nanoparticles will be explained.
·        The process of molecular docking, including the creation of Grid Parameter and Dock Parameter files, will be outlined.
·        Autogrid and autodock algorithms will be executed.
·        The selection of the best-docked conformation based on binding energies (DG) will be discussed.
·        Creation of protein-ligand docking complexes will be demonstrated.
·        Structure analysis of protein and inorganic ligand complexes will be conducted.
·        Docking of metal nanoparticles in protein/DNA will be covered.
·        Docking of nanoparticles will be explained.
·        The results will be analyzed.
·        High-resolution images will be prepared.

Who can Apply for Workshop?

Anyone Interested in learning Molecular docking can apply to the workshop, including Students and faculty of the below streams:

B.Tech. in (Biotechnology/ Industrial Biotechnology/ Bioinformatics/Material Sciences/Computer Sciences)
M.Sc. in (Biotechnology/Microbiology/Chemistry/Biochemistry/Bioinformatics/Life sciences/Material Sciences)
M.Tech. in (Biotechnology/Bioinformatics/ Industrial Biotechnology/Computer Sciences)
B.Pharmacy/ M.Pharmacy

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Instructor will teach metal based docking taking only One metal ion in to account and you can follow same protocol to deal with other metals
Yes, proper notes will be provided with step by step procedure. Yes, if you want to publish on Docking, you could collaborate with us and we will help you in the overall research project and resulting in a Joint publication.
YES, One of the candidates (volunteers) will be asked to share the screen and the instructor will guide step-by-step the procedure and protocol that students need to follow. so all students can simultaneously practice with instructors.

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Working hours

Monday9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Tuesday9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Wednesday9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Thursday9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Friday9:30 am - 5.00 pm
Saturday9:30 am - 5.00 pm